Claire’s Blog

7 powerful questions to rediscover your purpose
Are you a woman who has reached the top of the career ladder, expecting to feel amazing… and instead you wonder what it was all for?
Have you grafted and grappled for your reputation, to get a seat at the table, to take home the money that represents your value…
Only to look around and see you’re surrounded by people whose opinion you don’t respect?
Have you always been a high achiever, ticking off the hallmarks of success, the title, the house, the prestige…
Only to realise you’ve built yourself a golden cage.
If you recognise yourself in this, you’re not alone.
You’re amongst a growing tribe of women who have reached 40, and realised that they’re living somebody else’s version of success.

8 signs you’ve lost your mojo as a female leader
Feeling a bit... meh?
Like you're going through the motions, but feeling disconnected from your work?
And to everybody else, it still looks like you're nailing it, but it's frustrating as heck to you, because you know you're capable of so much more.
You know what it feels like to have your belly full of fire.
To have crystal clear clarity about what you're doing, and where you're heading.
But it's up and gone and you don't know how to get it back.

To anybody trying to white-knuckle their way through Dry January: hold on ❤️
To anybody trying to white-knuckle their way through Dry January: hold on ❤️
In some circles I used to be known as Fun Claire - to distinguish from the other 4 Claires in my class - hello 80s) - and I was a total disgrace.
Streaking up the parade ground at Sandhurst, naked mud wrestling at a charity weekend, getting up to all sorts of hanky panky - I’d be up for anything.
I loved the attention and the validation - although at the time I thought I was having fun and enjoying my youth.
When I think of some of situations I put myself in in the name of high jinks - jeez, it makes my blood run cold.
Choose your own adventure
It's time to choose your own adventure 🥾⛰️
Which of the following tickles your fancy the most:
1) Up on the moors.
It’s a steep start, but the heather is blazing, and it feels amazing to get the air in your lungs.
The wind whips your hair, and you can’t remember the last time you felt so alive.
As we wend our way through the tracks, you feel your vitality return, and the ideas start to flow.
The epicness of the view is nothing compared to how epic you feel.

What would deep, profound, self-leadership & self-trust look like for you?
What would deep, profound, self-leadership & self-trust look like for you?
What would it mean to you to have utter conviction about who you are - an unrockable sense of self?
What would it mean to you to know how to lean so far into self-trust, that your path is crystal clear, and you walk it with grace and certainty?
What would it mean to you to be able to tap into a clear channel of self-leadership, so that you show every day exuding bliss, and joy, knowing you have magic in your fingertips?
This is what happens when you intentionally architect your next level of identity.
This is Caroline Baker. She has a Big Job, as CCO of a bank. Her role requires her to be at the top of her game every day, making impactful decisions, and leading her team.
But when we met, she was secretly floundering.
To the casual observer, she was nailing it - making the big decisions, sharing her opinion at Board meetings, talking on big stages.
But inside she was exhausted - emotionally wrung out from second-guessing herself, feeling like she wasn't as respected as the other Board members, daydreaming of what she'd do and what she'd say if only she felt confident enough to pull it off...
She knew she was dragging around some baggage that was holding her back - old outdated programming, and unhelpful narratives.
And she also knew she'd had enough of feeling like this - that life was too short to tolerate 'good', when deep down she knew she was capable of 'incredible'.

“But WHY can’t I reach my goals?!”
Today I am talking to you if you are an intelligent, experienced and well-regarded female leader - who hasn't quite met her goals this year.
It's frustrating as hell right, you know exactly what you should be doing, the steps you need to take, you know you're capable - so WHY hasn't it happened?
Today I'm going to share with you the real reason you haven't smashed your goals, despite your best efforts - and once you understand this, everything will change.

Do you know what happens to you when your Imposter is activated?
Do you know what happens to you when your Imposter is activated?
You’re probably familiar with the physical symptoms - it feels horrible.
Sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, tightness in your chest, sweaty palms, creeping feeling of dread…
But did you know that this happens because your amygdala is triggered

I've Got Imposter Syndrome About My New Imposter Syndrome Book!
I recently wrote and released my first book, a practical guide to breaking free of Imposter Syndrome for women.
It’s part mindset mastery, part manual, and I really have spilled all my secrets – all the knowledge and skills I’ve accumulated over (almost) twenty years of helping women with their Imposter.
And… I’ve been struggling with my own Imposter Syndrome when it comes to shouting about it!

Get your sh*t together
Everybody I’m speaking to seems to be overwhelmed right now.
Overwhelmed, burnt out, too many tabs open.
Part of it is the time of year, school admin seems to be off the charts at the moment, and the looming school holidays throwing everything into disarray.
And even if you don’t have kids, there is a LOT going on – the election, the Euros, July being a nightmare to schedule anything, clients cancelling, the algorithm on here going bonkers.
So many people I’m speaking to are feeling frazzled, and a lot of fear about how business is going – it’s genuinely tough out there for a lot of people.
You’d be forgiven for just pulling the duvet over your head and waiting until September when normal service resumes.
In today’s conversation I’m going to teach you some vital stuff.
Not only how to rise to the challenge and get everything done that you need to, but how to develop a bulletproof mindset so that whatever is going on externally, doesn’t even touch you.
Sound good? Let’s go!

How do you know if you’re successful yet?
Do you feel successful as an entrepreneur?
Are you achieving what you set out to achieve?
How can you measure your success?
And if you feel successful now, are you done, or are you ready to go for your next level?
We’re talking about some big questions in today’s conversation.
Big – but really important.
So many of us set off on the adventure of entrepreneurship, so busy doing the do that we forget to look up and check we’re still heading in the right direction.
Or we achieve what most people would deem success, and look around and it just feels hollow.
We set an ambitious target, absolutely smash it, and just feel numb.
Today is all about reconnecting (or quite simply connecting) with what success means to you.
I promise you’re going to feel excited and empowered as a result of this post.

What to do when you’re on your knees
Say what you like, entrepreneurship is not for the faint hearted.
While fortune may well favour the brave, having the audacity to run your own business can bring you to your knees.
Often, women come to me when they’re in a pickle, when they’ve thrown everything at it, and have had dark nights of the soul and are questioning their very existence, never mind if they’ve got what it takes to run a business
This is exactly what I would do – and have done – to totally turn my ship around and go from screwed to smashing it.

7 signs of procrastination in female entrepreneurs
Procrastination is a huge problem. It’s killing your results, it’s wasting your time, and it’s making you feel like you’re not worthy of running a business.
You know how busy you are, you know how valuable your time is, so why the heck do you do it?
Here, I’m sharing the 7 most common signs that you’re procrastinating, and I’m going to help you understand WHY you do it.

Imposter Syndrome is killing your business
Imposter Syndrome is emotionally exhausting, causing you to waste valuable time with self-doubt.
Imposter Syndrome is costing you thousands, if not millions, in lost revenue, just add up the cost of the opportunities you haven’t gone for, the times you haven’t backed yourself and taken a risk because of listening to your Imposter.
Today’s conversation is all about why you MUST give Imposter Syndrome your full attention, if you ever want to achieve your potential and achieve the impact and income you desire with your business.

What would your 18 year old self think of you?
Would she be proud of all you’ve achieved?
Would she find you inspiring?
Would she be relieved it all worked out in the end?
What advice would you give her?
Inspired by a real life conversation with a client just this morning, today we’re chatting about how your adolescent self is STILL running the show when it comes to your business – whether you know it or not.
And of course, I’m also going to share what you can DO about it.

Overwhelmed and struggling – this is for you! AKA My Tuscan Existential Crisis
This is for you if life and business is feeling a bit overwhelming at the moment.
If you’re struggling to get going on projects, no matter how much you say you want to.
If you’re triggered by everyone seemingly doing it so much better than you on LinkedIn and Insta.
If Imposter Syndrome is running the show and you feel like you don’t belong.
If you’re even questioning your purpose and having a small existential crisis.
This is for you – we’re going there with the big questions today.
Enjoy and don’t forget to let me know what you think.

Top mistakes female entrepreneurs make when it comes to money – Part 2
Are you not where you thought you’d be when it comes to money? Are you not earning enough and it’s sometimes really scary? Are you struggling with rollercoaster months, and a lack of consistency? Can you not seem to have a breakthrough despite how hard you work? Are you starting to wonder if it’s you that’s the problem, that maybe you’re not cut out to run a business?
OR maybe you’re doing really well – on paper – but struggling to enjoy your success, it’s not what you thought it’d be?
If recognise yourself in any of these, this is for you.

Top mistakes female entrepreneurs make when it comes to money
In this blog post, we're diving headfirst into a topic that's close to the heart of many female entrepreneurs: money.

How to show up when you really really really don't want to
We’re diving into a topic that hits close to home for many of us: showing up for our business even when we're not feeling it. There are days when mustering the energy to tackle the day ahead feels like an uphill battle. But fear not, because I've got some tried-and-tested tips to help you not just phone it in, but truly show up and shine.

The secret to elevating yourself
So often we get caught up in the day-to-day when we’re running a business.
It’s so easy to caught in the reality trap, to lower our expectations to what we believe is possible.
But this is a huge mistake.
As entrepreneurs, we’ve got to be visionaries. To not allow the nay sayers and doom mongers dampen our dreams.
One sure fire way to elevate yourself and your vision is to follow the ‘glimmers’.
The signs, specks and synchronicities that you’re on the right path.
Here’s how.

Bailing is not failing - what really happened in the bothy
I can't wait to share this story with you, the real story behind my first experience of wild camping.
Spoiler alert: we didn't make it through the night, but what actually happened is GOLD in terms of wisdom and lessons learned I can apply to my business.
Grab a cuppa and tune in, this is quite the tale...