Find out here about Claire’s speaking appearances, and discover the events she hosts.

Claire was the host of the inaugural Lean In Leeds Women of Excellence awards in March 2023.
Lean In Leeds is a 1200 strong women’s networking organisation, of which Claire is Chair. Find out more and join here

Claire was featured in Independent Beauty Professional Magazine, in the Spring 2023 issue - see more here
Claire appears on The Recruiters Recruitment Podcast, with Lysha Holmes
She talks about how to get your mojo back, and how to be an authentic recruiter
Claire is interviewed on the Business Talks 2 podcast about being married to your business partner
I was proud to be asked to share my inspiring story as part of Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership, inspiring young people in their future careers. Watch my story here
Imposter Syndrome in the Tech Industry
Thanks to Ahsan Iqbal of Infused Solutions for inviting me. Thanks to my great co-panellists, Usman Hamid and Dean Branton for exploring this important topic
Why You Need to Fire Your Clients
Thanks to Wendy McDougal of Firefish Software for inviting me to interview on the Firefish show!
Firing ‘bad’ clients - and only choosing to work with clients who light you up is so important in business. Watch the replay here to find out why
The Collective: Female Leaders of Farsley - May meeting
The lovely Joelle Byrne guested on our May meeting via Zoom, talking us through her ideas for creating multiple income streams
30/04/2020 - Leeds Digital Festival Workshop
Join me in this short-but-packed, interactive leadership session, designed to help you adapt and evolve, but stay authentic.
As you can imagine, all my community is talking about is the Coronavirus situation, so I've devised a few tools and techniques to help you not only survive, but thrive during this testing period.
I'm Coach Claire Ackers and I work with Founders and Leaders of tech businesses, to help them scale in an authentic, values-led way.
There's never been a more important time to stand up and be counted as a leader, no matter how big or small your team. Unfortunately, there's never been as testing a time either - combine Coronavirus worries with economic uncertainty plus remote working challenges and it's no wonder we're making it up as we go along!
21/04/20 - The Collective: Female Leaders of Farsley
Claire co-hosted this brilliant EFT session on Money Blocks with guest speaker Kirsty Elliott. Our first Zoom event, and it worked great!
16/04/20 Recruiters into Career Coaches Webinar
Claire was an expert speaker, invited by host Mark Whitby. She was told her story of leaving behind a lucrative recruitment business to follow her lifelong passion, leadership coaching.
3/04/20 - Lean In Leeds Panel
Claire organised and was a panel speaker for Lean In Leeds’ first online event, discussing ‘How to smash life right now’.
Walking on fire!
Claire took part in a firewalk (whilst 7 months’ pregnant). The opportunity came up, and as a lifelong learner and devoted student of mindset, Claire couldn’t pass it up. She loved the experience and walked, skipped and even danced over the hot coals.
Leeds University Empower Conference
Claire was invited to speak to students on the topic of Authenticity
Emma Barnett show, 5Live
Claire was invited to appear, along with friend and business owner, Cassie Rogerson, to discussion the election from the perspective of a small business owner.
5Live decided to record the show from Mill Kitchen in Farsley as it was a strategically important constituency.
The Collective: Female Leaders of Farsley charity work
FLOF is the local female business owner’s community group, founded by Claire and local PR expert, Caroline Joynson.
We’re pleased to announce that FLOF will be sponsoring the education of two children in Malawi, via a charity founded by local business owner, Lesley Dawson
Institute of Directors Lunch, Leeds
Claire was pleased to represent Lean In Leeds at the latest IoD lunch, along with steering committee members Claire Morley-Jones and Pauline Giroux.
Northern Leadership Awards, Novemeber 2019
Claire was invited to the Northern Leadership Awards as the guest of Entrepreneur of the Year, Anna Sutton
Tech Talent Charter
Claire was pleased to attend the inaugural meeting of the Leeds Tech Talent Charter, a workshop designed to address the issues of diversity and inclusion in the technology sector.
Pictured with Melanie Parker of Graft Talent.
Unspoken: the First Lean In Leeds Conference
Claire organised and ran the very first Lean in Leeds conference in October 2019, along with the LIL steering committee. It was called ‘Unspoken’ as the aim was to shed light on the topics and issues women go through, just to show up - miscarriage, menopause, juggling many roles.
Claire was the keynote speaker for the ‘Warrior’ section, and ran the panel discussion.
Wakefield Business Week roundtable, June 2019
Claire was invited to represent Lean In Leeds at a roundtable discussion about women in technology. She’s pictured with fellow member Katie Gleghorn.
Find Your Tribe - Women in Leeds Digital
Claire (along with Katie Gleghorn) spoke at a ‘Find Your Tribe’ panel discussion at the Women in Leeds Digital event (WiLD), as part of Leeds Digital Week 2019.
She spoke about being part of Lean In Leeds, and the power of being part of an amazing, supportive community.
BBC Business Breakfast News
Claire was invited on BBC Business Breakfast news and BBC 5Live to discuss the Tech Leaders report she’d conducted, on flexible working, and the benefits that staff are really looking for.
BBC Look North
Claire was asked to appear on BBC Look North, to discuss her experience of being a working parent, and juggling childcare with running a business.
Media Enquiries
In addition to our own video and audio productions, Claire has appeared on TV and Radio, as well as in several print publications, and is regularly asked to speak at events, in person and online. She is always happy to share insight into her areas of expertise. If you would like her to appear on your show or in your publication, please get in touch using the form below, or call us on 0113 360 9700.