What is Imposter Syndrome & how do I know I have it?
What is Imposter Syndrome & how do I know I have it?
I believe that Imposter Syndrome is the biggest reason you are not experiencing the results you want with your business or in your career right now.
Imposter Syndrome is emotionally exhausting, causing you to waste valuable time with self-doubt.
Imposter Syndrome is costing you thousands, if not millions, in lost income, just add up the cost of the opportunities you haven’t gone for, the times you haven’t backed yourself and taken a risk because of listening to your Imposter.
Imposter Syndrome is pervasive, the latest studies suggest up to 82% of professional women struggle with Imposter Syndrome to one degree or another.
And nobody has been tackling Imposter Syndrome in the right way – until now.
I want to talk to you today to explain exactly what Imposter Syndrome is, help you recognise just how much of a problem it is and how it has been killing your career and that you MUST give it your full attention if you want to achieve your dreams
AND that It is 100% possible to learn to break free of Imposter Syndrome, and start having the impact and income you desire

The 10 signs of Imposter Syndrome in female leaders & entrepreneurs
The 10 signs of Imposter Syndrome in female leaders & entrepreneurs
Are you a female entrepreneur or leader who is struggling with Imposter Syndrome?
Do you know you’re holding back or playing small?
I just recorded a brand new episode of the Audacity podcast, where I reveal
- Top 10 signs of Imposter syndrome in women
- Scary secret that could change everything for you
- Plus how you can get coached by me live, for free, to finally be free of your imposter
Go check out the episode – would love to know what you think of this conversation – reach out and let me know

10 reasons female entrepreneurs hold back and play small
I see so many brave, audacious incredible women – women who have felt the calling and have been courageous enough to launch their own business…
I see them holding back and playing small.
Yes, of setting big goals, and taking action to meet them.
But then not quite getting there, and falling short, and then beating themselves up and concluding that it must be them that’s the problem.
And feeling frustrated, and like a fraud.
If this is you I have a really special message in this week’s podcast episode. I’m going to share the top 10 reasons WHY female entrepreneurs hold back.
Share the game-changing mindset shift – will change everything. Really empowering.
Then going to share what you can do about it – if sick of playing small, and want to end 2024 on a total high
Enjoy the episode, and let me know what you think!

“I swallowed a load of water and had a panic attack” - Imposter Syndrome in action
Last week I had to practise what I preach when it comes to Imposter Syndrome when I had a panic attack in the middle of Lake Windermere.
I'd signed up for my Open Water Lifeguard qualification and felt like a total fraud.
I was right in the middle of the lake, trying to keep up with the other swimmers, when I swallowed a load of water, which triggered a panic attack.
This is the raw, authentic story of what happened to me... AND the EXACT steps I took to break free of my Imposter Syndrome.
Did I pass my qualification?
Listen to find out…

How to get your sh*t together
Everybody I’m speaking to seems to be overwhelmed right now.
Overwhelmed, burnt out, too many tabs open.
Part of it is the time of year, school admin seems to be off the charts at the moment, and the looming school holidays throwing everything into disarray.
And even if you don’t have kids, there is a LOT going on – the election, the Euros, July being a nightmare to schedule anything, clients cancelling, the algorithm on here going bonkers.
So many people I’m speaking to are feeling frazzled, and a lot of fear about how business is going – it’s genuinely tough out there for a lot of people.
You’d be forgiven for just pulling the duvet over your head and waiting until September when normal service resumes.
In today’s conversation I’m going to teach you some vital stuff.
Not only how to rise to the challenge and get everything done that you need to, but how to develop a bulletproof mindset so that whatever is going on externally, doesn’t even touch you.
Sound good? Let’s go!

How do you know if you’re successful?
Do you feel successful as an entrepreneur?
Are you achieving what you set out to achieve?
How can you measure your success?
And if you feel successful now, are you done, or are you ready to go for your next level?
We’re talking about some big questions in today’s conversation.
So many of us set off on the adventure of entrepreneurship, so busy doing the do that we forget to look up and check we’re still heading in the right direction.
Today is all about reconnecting (or quite simply connecting) with what success means to you.
I promise you’re going to feel excited and empowered as a result of this conversation.

7 ways self-sabotage is ruining your business
This week I got a call from an old client, an HR business owner.
“I think I’m self-sabotaging and I can’t stop it”
She was so frustrated, and kicking herself because she was no rookie.
She’d nailed her vision, her values and she had a cracking service offering.
And yet – she couldn’t quite break through a plateau.
Every time it looked like it was certain this time, she was going to bust through to a new level, something would happen, and she’d be right back where she’d started.
And she was tenacious – she knew how to pick herself back up and get on the horse.
But it was getting harder and harder, and she was losing the faith.
She was 100% right – it was self-sabotage at play.
This is the story of what we did to get her to recognise how she was self-sabotaging, why she was doing it – and what to do about it.

What to do when you're on your knees
Say what you like, entrepreneurship is not for the faint hearted.
While fortune may well favour the brave, having the audacity to run your own business can bring you to your knees.
Often, women come to me when they’re in a pickle, when they’ve thrown everything at it, and have had dark nights of the soul and are questioning their very existence, never mind if they’ve got what it takes to run a business.
This is exactly what I would do – and have done – to totally turn my ship around and go from screwed to smashing it.

7 signs of procrastination in female entrepreneurs
Procrastination is a huge problem. It’s killing your results, it’s wasting your time, and it’s making you feel like you’re not worthy of running a business.
You know how busy you are, you know how valuable your time is, so why the heck do you do it?
In this podcast I’m sharing the 7 most common signs that you’re procrastinating, and I’m going to help you understand WHY you do it.
And, I’m going to give you 3 really quick, actionable steps that you can go away and put into place TODAY, so you can focus on the stuff that really matters.

Conversation with Paula Brockwell, founder of The Employee Experience Project
In this conversation I'm talking to Paula Brockwell, who is bringing a fresh, authentic look to culture change.
Paula is one of the most straight-talking, funniest, passionate entrepreneurs you’ll meet, and she really knows her stuff – making dry topics like culture change engaging and inclusive as lead psychologist.
In this candid chat we cover:
What is a ‘proper’ entrepreneur anyway
Her IVF journey and how that’s made her a better business owner
What she’d like to grab CEOs by the scruff of the neck and tell them about culture problems in their business
Her top tips for business owners to improve their employees’ experience
I’ve been lucky enough to have Paula in my world for a while, and I can’t wait for you to get to know her.

Imposter Syndrome is killing your business
If you are a female entrepreneur who is not getting the results you desire.
If you’re frustrated, if you’re doubting you’ve got what it takes, if you’re feeling like a fraud.
Imposter Syndrome is the biggest reason you are not experiencing the results you want with your business right now.
Imposter Syndrome is emotionally exhausting, causing you to waste valuable time with self-doubt.
Imposter Syndrome is costing you thousands, if not millions, in lost revenue, just add up the cost of the opportunities you haven’t gone for, the times you haven’t backed yourself and taken a risk because of listening to your Imposter.
This conversation is all about why you MUST give Imposter Syndrome your full attention, if you ever want to achieve your potential and achieve the impact and income you desire with your business.

What would your 18 year old self think of you?
Would she be proud of all you’ve achieved?
Would she find you inspiring?
Would she be relieved it all worked out in the end?
What advice would you give her?
Inspired by a real life conversation with a client just this morning, this podcast is all about how your adolescent self is STILL running the show when it comes to your business – whether you know it or not. And of course, I’m also going to share what you can DO about it.

Overwhelmed and struggling – this is for you! AKA My Tuscan Existential Crisis
This is for you if life and business is feeling a bit overwhelming at the moment.
If you’re struggling to get going on projects, no matter how much you say you want to .
If you’re triggered by everyone seemingly doing it so much better than you on LinkedIn and Insta.
If Imposter Syndrome is running the show and you feel like you don’t belong.
If you’re even questioning your purpose and having a small existential crisis.
This is for you – we’re going there with the big questions today.

Mistakes female entrepreneurs make when it comes to money: Part 2 - What to do about it
Are you not where you thought you’d be when it comes to money
Are you not earning enough and it’s sometimes really scary
Are you struggling with rollercoaster months, and a lack of consistency
Can you not seem to have a breakthrough despite how hard you work
Are you starting to wonder if it’s you that’s the problem, that maybe you’re not cut out to run a business
OR maybe you’re doing really well – on paper – but struggling to enjoy your success, it’s not what you thought it’d be?
If recognise yourself in any of these, this is for you.

Top mistakes female entrepreneurs make when it comes to money
Are you not where you thought you’d be when it comes to money?
Are you not earning enough and it’s sometimes really scary?
Are you struggling with rollercoaster months, and a lack of consistency?
If recognise yourself in any of these, this is for you. Because there are some really common mistakes women make when it comes to being an entrepreneur and money, and it’s time we talk about them.

How to show up when you really really really don't want to
Sometimes it just isn't happening.
Sometimes you can't muster the energy to show up for your business, even though you know you should.
Even if you love your work, love your clients, even if there is no real reason you shouldn't show up and have fun doing it...
... your mojo seems to have left the building.
This conversation is directly for these times.
Here are my top tips of how to show up regardless - properly - not just phoning it in.

Lipstick all over my teeth
Lipstick all over my teeth - a tale of Imposter Syndrome when networking, and a case of self-sabotage.
If you've ever felt like you don't fit in when networking, or like a total Imposter in the room.
If you're sick of talking yourself out of opportunities and want to be braver.
If you want to connect to your tribe but feel like a weirdo.
Today's conversation is for you. And enjoy the very first live talk from the Shedquarters - what do you think of this set up?
#femalefounders #femaleentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #authenticleadership #networking #impostersyndrome

8 signs you’ve lost your mojo for your business (& what to do about it)
Are you struggling to get motivated in your business?
Do you know what you need to do, but just can’t seem to make yourself crack on and do it?
Are you feeling disconnected, and flat, and like you’re wading through treacle?
If so, you are not alone. Feeling like you’ve lost your mojo for your business is one of the most common problems my clients have.
This conversation is about calling out the 8 most common signs that this is happening to you.
And then I’ll help you to know what to do about it.

Bailing is not failing - what really happened in the bothy
I can't wait to share this story with you, the real story behind my first experience of wild camping.
Spoiler alert: we didn't make it through the night, but what actually happened is GOLD in terms of wisdom and lessons learned I can apply to my business.
Grab a cuppa and tune in, this is quite the tale...

The bothy adventure - do something every day that scares you
Are you healed, or are you just hiding from your triggers? This is a question that coming up a lot in my coaching conversations at the moment. So often we can be going along, thinking we're doing really well, but really we're avoiding the scary stuff.