Claire’s Blog

What to do when you’re on your knees
Say what you like, entrepreneurship is not for the faint hearted.
While fortune may well favour the brave, having the audacity to run your own business can bring you to your knees.
Often, women come to me when they’re in a pickle, when they’ve thrown everything at it, and have had dark nights of the soul and are questioning their very existence, never mind if they’ve got what it takes to run a business
This is exactly what I would do – and have done – to totally turn my ship around and go from screwed to smashing it.

What would your 18 year old self think of you?
Would she be proud of all you’ve achieved?
Would she find you inspiring?
Would she be relieved it all worked out in the end?
What advice would you give her?
Inspired by a real life conversation with a client just this morning, today we’re chatting about how your adolescent self is STILL running the show when it comes to your business – whether you know it or not.
And of course, I’m also going to share what you can DO about it.

Overwhelmed and struggling – this is for you! AKA My Tuscan Existential Crisis
This is for you if life and business is feeling a bit overwhelming at the moment.
If you’re struggling to get going on projects, no matter how much you say you want to.
If you’re triggered by everyone seemingly doing it so much better than you on LinkedIn and Insta.
If Imposter Syndrome is running the show and you feel like you don’t belong.
If you’re even questioning your purpose and having a small existential crisis.
This is for you – we’re going there with the big questions today.
Enjoy and don’t forget to let me know what you think.

How to show up when you really really really don't want to
We’re diving into a topic that hits close to home for many of us: showing up for our business even when we're not feeling it. There are days when mustering the energy to tackle the day ahead feels like an uphill battle. But fear not, because I've got some tried-and-tested tips to help you not just phone it in, but truly show up and shine.

The secret to elevating yourself
So often we get caught up in the day-to-day when we’re running a business.
It’s so easy to caught in the reality trap, to lower our expectations to what we believe is possible.
But this is a huge mistake.
As entrepreneurs, we’ve got to be visionaries. To not allow the nay sayers and doom mongers dampen our dreams.
One sure fire way to elevate yourself and your vision is to follow the ‘glimmers’.
The signs, specks and synchronicities that you’re on the right path.
Here’s how.

The bothy adventure - do something every day that scares you
Are you healed, or are you just hiding from your triggers?
This is a question that coming up a lot in my coaching conversations at the moment.
So often we can be going along, thinking we're doing really well, but really we're avoiding the scary stuff.

7 ways to make sure changes stick permanently
If you are struggling to make good habit stick
Or if you are doubting your ability to make those positive changes permanent in your life
In reality, it's no surprise: because the odds are absolutely stacked against you.
➡️ So in this blog, I want to share seven tips that will put you permanently in the driving seat of those changes you want to make, to ensure those new habits stick permanently.

Don’t quit. Life is tough, but so are you lovely 🔥
Have you been feeling the push to quit? To throw the towel in, to admit defeat, to acknowledge you’re just not cut out for this entrepreneurship game?
Read this before you make any big decisions – it might just be the very thing you need right now.

Difficult relationships in the festive season
I’m speaking to so many people at the moment who are trying to navigate tricky relationships over Christmas and the festive season.
Whether it’s a co-worker or a loved one, or someone you’d rather NOT have in your life (but it’s not that simple!), navigating those tricky relationships can really take the shine off the festive season. It's a real head scratcher so today's blog is all about my golden rules for staying sane, staying true to yourself and for navigating those relationships.

My Top Tips if you feel like Festive Superwoman
It's that time of year when we feel the weight of expectations, especially if you're inclined to be a high achiever or a control freak like myself. The festive season can bring a perfect storm of pressure and want for perfection…..and the juggling of endless tasks can often lead to what I call "Festive Superwoman Syndrome."

The 10 Signs You MUST Tackle Your Imposter NOW
These are the 10 Signs of Imposter Syndrome in women, that indicate that’s it time to do something about it!

You CAN change your circumstances!
Feeling frustrated? Wondering when it gets to feel better, to feel easy, to feel fun?
Wondering when all this graft, and faith and patience and grit will come good, and you'll reap the rewards.
I want to you to hear today, you CAN change your circumstances, you can have your dream life and you absolutely should not give up and settle for 'good enough'.

Who the heck do you think you are to run a business?
One day, not long ago, you set out with a dream.
You had such a big audacious dream of what you wanted to do with the business.
You knew right down to your bones that the business was going to work - the world needed it!
Why your personal mission needs to be your number one priority
Why your personal mission needs to be your number one priority
What’s the point in having a personal mission? Isn’t it all a load of meaningless corporate twaddle anyway?
Well, no, having a personal mission is incredibly important, especially when times are tough.
Here are my top reasons you should put defining your mission at the top of your To-do list:

“You’re too emotional to lead”
Have you ever been told you’re too bossy, or too emotional in your leadership style?
Stings, doesn’t it.

Stop trying to fit in - it’s career suicide
Maybe the way you dress starts to change over time
You might use certain words, or phrases or change your language. You might tone down, or play up your language
You might be acting in a way that doesn’t feel natural, like you’re putting on somebody else’s shoes.