Claire’s Blog

I've Got Imposter Syndrome About My New Imposter Syndrome Book!
I recently wrote and released my first book, a practical guide to breaking free of Imposter Syndrome for women.
It’s part mindset mastery, part manual, and I really have spilled all my secrets – all the knowledge and skills I’ve accumulated over (almost) twenty years of helping women with their Imposter.
And… I’ve been struggling with my own Imposter Syndrome when it comes to shouting about it!

Get your sh*t together
Everybody I’m speaking to seems to be overwhelmed right now.
Overwhelmed, burnt out, too many tabs open.
Part of it is the time of year, school admin seems to be off the charts at the moment, and the looming school holidays throwing everything into disarray.
And even if you don’t have kids, there is a LOT going on – the election, the Euros, July being a nightmare to schedule anything, clients cancelling, the algorithm on here going bonkers.
So many people I’m speaking to are feeling frazzled, and a lot of fear about how business is going – it’s genuinely tough out there for a lot of people.
You’d be forgiven for just pulling the duvet over your head and waiting until September when normal service resumes.
In today’s conversation I’m going to teach you some vital stuff.
Not only how to rise to the challenge and get everything done that you need to, but how to develop a bulletproof mindset so that whatever is going on externally, doesn’t even touch you.
Sound good? Let’s go!

How do you know if you’re successful yet?
Do you feel successful as an entrepreneur?
Are you achieving what you set out to achieve?
How can you measure your success?
And if you feel successful now, are you done, or are you ready to go for your next level?
We’re talking about some big questions in today’s conversation.
Big – but really important.
So many of us set off on the adventure of entrepreneurship, so busy doing the do that we forget to look up and check we’re still heading in the right direction.
Or we achieve what most people would deem success, and look around and it just feels hollow.
We set an ambitious target, absolutely smash it, and just feel numb.
Today is all about reconnecting (or quite simply connecting) with what success means to you.
I promise you’re going to feel excited and empowered as a result of this post.

7 signs of procrastination in female entrepreneurs
Procrastination is a huge problem. It’s killing your results, it’s wasting your time, and it’s making you feel like you’re not worthy of running a business.
You know how busy you are, you know how valuable your time is, so why the heck do you do it?
Here, I’m sharing the 7 most common signs that you’re procrastinating, and I’m going to help you understand WHY you do it.

What would your 18 year old self think of you?
Would she be proud of all you’ve achieved?
Would she find you inspiring?
Would she be relieved it all worked out in the end?
What advice would you give her?
Inspired by a real life conversation with a client just this morning, today we’re chatting about how your adolescent self is STILL running the show when it comes to your business – whether you know it or not.
And of course, I’m also going to share what you can DO about it.

Overwhelmed and struggling – this is for you! AKA My Tuscan Existential Crisis
This is for you if life and business is feeling a bit overwhelming at the moment.
If you’re struggling to get going on projects, no matter how much you say you want to.
If you’re triggered by everyone seemingly doing it so much better than you on LinkedIn and Insta.
If Imposter Syndrome is running the show and you feel like you don’t belong.
If you’re even questioning your purpose and having a small existential crisis.
This is for you – we’re going there with the big questions today.
Enjoy and don’t forget to let me know what you think.

The 10 biggest mistakes I've made in business
I have f*cked up more times than I can count on my entrepreneurial journey. People say being an entrepreneur is like jumping off a cliff and growing wings on your way down. Well, sometimes those wings don't quite grow in time. In this blog I’m sharing 10 of the biggest mistakes I have made in my business - hopefully this will save you from making the same ones.

Don’t quit. Life is tough, but so are you lovely 🔥
Have you been feeling the push to quit? To throw the towel in, to admit defeat, to acknowledge you’re just not cut out for this entrepreneurship game?
Read this before you make any big decisions – it might just be the very thing you need right now.

10 traits of highly successful female entrepreneurs
I’m in the privileged position of working with some incredibly successful female entrepreneurs, founders and business owners.
I’ve been doing this work since 2007, I’ve helped hundreds, if not thousands of women to date.
Over this time, I’ve observed 10 key traits of the most successful ones, and this is what I’m sharing in this blog post.

How to set 2024 goals that stick!
Let’s uncover your perfect 2024 vision by letting go of 'shoulds' and gaining clarity on your core values. This clarity will fuel your determination to make these goals a reality.

Difficult relationships in the festive season
I’m speaking to so many people at the moment who are trying to navigate tricky relationships over Christmas and the festive season.
Whether it’s a co-worker or a loved one, or someone you’d rather NOT have in your life (but it’s not that simple!), navigating those tricky relationships can really take the shine off the festive season. It's a real head scratcher so today's blog is all about my golden rules for staying sane, staying true to yourself and for navigating those relationships.

My Top Tips if you feel like Festive Superwoman
It's that time of year when we feel the weight of expectations, especially if you're inclined to be a high achiever or a control freak like myself. The festive season can bring a perfect storm of pressure and want for perfection…..and the juggling of endless tasks can often lead to what I call "Festive Superwoman Syndrome."

Reflections on November – how am I still sane?
November 2023 has probably been one of the busiest months of my life.
As an authenticity coach (yes, I made that title up), I'm all about sharing the real deal, so I’d love to share some reflections and learnings from this period with you.

Winning an award vs Imposter Syndrome ➡️ A hot off-the-press case study
Have you ever been nominated for an award? If you have Imposter Syndrome as well, this is the ultimate stress test for IS.
I’ve helped so many clients over the years get over the Imposter Syndrome about being nominated for awards, and be able to properly celebrate and bask when they win, or deal with the upcoming stuff when they lose.

Who the heck do you think you are to run a business?
One day, not long ago, you set out with a dream.
You had such a big audacious dream of what you wanted to do with the business.
You knew right down to your bones that the business was going to work - the world needed it!

Starting to look forward to 2024? STOP and read this ➡️
This is for you if you have been starting to look forward to 2024.
Are you - like me - getting bombarded with messages about 2024…
It's in my email. It's in all the advertising I'm getting through LinkedIn and Instagram 🤯
⛔ I want to halt it for a second ⛔.

10 ways to feel the fear and do it anyway
Call it Imposter Syndrome, call it the wobbles, call it the voice of reason. Whenever you step out of your comfort zone, fear will pop up and try to talk you out of it.
There are scientific, evolutionary reasons for this – safety to your mind equals the familiar – so when you do anything new, your subconscious panics and tries to bring you back to your comfort zone – and what it perceives as familiar and safe.
The problem is, nothing great happens in your comfort zone. If you want to reach your potential, you’ve got to take some risks.
Here are my top 10 ways to feel that fear, and do it anyway.

Something brand new is coming and I can’t wait to share!
Something brand new is coming and I can’t wait to share
I got hit by a lightning bolt of inspiration yesterday and sat down and created a new thing I am honestly so excited about.
Why your personal mission needs to be your number one priority
Why your personal mission needs to be your number one priority
What’s the point in having a personal mission? Isn’t it all a load of meaningless corporate twaddle anyway?
Well, no, having a personal mission is incredibly important, especially when times are tough.
Here are my top reasons you should put defining your mission at the top of your To-do list:

“You’re too emotional to lead”
Have you ever been told you’re too bossy, or too emotional in your leadership style?
Stings, doesn’t it.