10 traits of highly successful female entrepreneurs

In this blog post, I’m sharing my behind-the-scenes insights into the world of highly successful female entrepreneurs.

I’ve drawn on my experience, to compile a list of ten traits I have observed in the remarkable women I have coached since 2007.

Let’s explore the qualities that set them apart and drive their success.


There is a palpable passion that sets successful female entrepreneurs apart. They are clear on their values, vision and mission - consistently taking action toward their goals. Passion fuels their journey, making them magnetic and resilient in the face of challenges.


Successful women entrepreneurs are true to themselves, finding comfort in their own skin.

They are values-led, living authentically and drawing on their core values when faced with tough decisions. This authenticity not only helps them sleep at night but also fosters genuine connections with others.

Power of the Tribe:

Understanding the power of networking, these entrepreneurs build their own tables and chairs - creating a new, smarter network. They believe in collaboration over competition, seeking smart collaborations and fostering abundance within their communities.


Resilience is key. While challenges and setbacks are inevitable, successful female entrepreneurs use them as opportunities for growth. Their strong sense of self and unwavering commitment to their mission allow them to navigate obstacles with ease.


Setting boundaries is a game-changer.

Successful entrepreneurs know how to own their space. They set boundaries to protect their energy. They are accountable for their actions and extricate themselves from less-than-ideal situations and relationships when necessary.

Self-Awareness and Openness to Growth:

These women are not ego-driven; they embrace self-awareness and are open to growth. Recognising areas for improvement - they invest time, energy and resources into personal development to ensure their continuous growth.


Turning a business idea into reality requires courage 🔥.

Successful female entrepreneurs are visible. They bravely put themselves out there, even when faced with uncertainties. They follow their instincts and hearts - often diverging from conventional paths.


Rather than shying away from vulnerability, these entrepreneurs wear their hearts on their sleeves. They seek genuine connections, believing that vulnerability is a true show of strength. This openness fosters authentic relationships in both personal and professional spheres.

Willingness to Ask for Help:

Recognsing their limitations, successful entrepreneurs are not afraid to ask for help and accept support. They invest in the right people, understanding the value of collaboration and strategic partnerships to achieve their goals.

The Queen Eats First:

Successful female entrepreneurs prioritise self-care: they understand the importance of protecting their energy. They navigate the delicate balance between masculine and feminine energies, recognizing when to push and when to pull. Setting essential standards ensures they show up as their best selves daily.

And that’s the 10!

From passion and authenticity - to resilience and vulnerability - these traits form a blueprint for aspiring women in business.

Whether you resonate with all ten or aspire to embody some, I encourage you to reflect on these traits and consider your own entrepreneurial journey.


Don’t quit. Life is tough, but so are you lovely 🔥


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