Claire’s Blog

The Real Reason You're Not Getting the Results You Want In Your Business
audacity Claire Ackers audacity Claire Ackers

The Real Reason You're Not Getting the Results You Want In Your Business

This blog explores one of my favorite subjects: the true reasons behind the elusive success you've been chasing in your business.

Often, we find ourselves in pursuit of magic bullets and new strategies, believing they'll be the game-changer. However, what I've discovered is that the missing ingredient has nothing to do with external factors—it's all about mastering your inner game.

I call this journey "authentic self-mastery," and it's become my life's work, my passion, my joy.

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10 traits of highly successful female entrepreneurs
entrepreneurs, coaching Claire Ackers entrepreneurs, coaching Claire Ackers

10 traits of highly successful female entrepreneurs

I’m in the privileged position of working with some incredibly successful female entrepreneurs, founders and business owners.

I’ve been doing this work since 2007, I’ve helped hundreds, if not thousands of women to date.

Over this time, I’ve observed 10 key traits of the most successful ones, and this is what I’m sharing in this blog post.

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Difficult relationships in the festive season
advice, coaching Claire Ackers advice, coaching Claire Ackers

Difficult relationships in the festive season

I’m speaking to so many people at the moment who are trying to navigate tricky relationships over Christmas and the festive season.

Whether it’s a co-worker or a loved one, or someone you’d rather NOT have in your life (but it’s not that simple!), navigating those tricky relationships can really take the shine off the festive season. It's a real head scratcher so today's blog is all about my golden rules for staying sane, staying true to yourself and for navigating those relationships.

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Are you guilty of falling into the ‘When I’ future trap? 🧐
blog, audacity Claire Ackers blog, audacity Claire Ackers

Are you guilty of falling into the ‘When I’ future trap? 🧐

Are you guilty of falling into the ‘When I’ future trap? 🧐

If this is you, you might say things like:

• When I’ve got X amount in the bank I’ll outsource that task I hate

• When things are a bit more stable I’ll book that holiday

• When I’ve lost a bit of weight I’ll buy new clothes

• I’ll make self-care a priority when things are less busy at work

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Do you ever feel overwhelmed?
Claire Ackers Claire Ackers

Do you ever feel overwhelmed?

Do you ever feel overwhelmed?

Like you’re drowning in all the stuff you’ve got to do, and everything’s a competing priority, and there’s no time to take a breath and figure out where to focus.

And you don’t feel capable of making the right call about what to do anyway?

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Why your personal mission needs to be your number one priority
coaching, blog, advice Claire Ackers coaching, blog, advice Claire Ackers

Why your personal mission needs to be your number one priority

Why your personal mission needs to be your number one priority

What’s the point in having a personal mission? Isn’t it all a load of meaningless corporate twaddle anyway?

Well, no, having a personal mission is incredibly important, especially when times are tough.

Here are my top reasons you should put defining your mission at the top of your To-do list:

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