Do you ever feel overwhelmed?

Do you ever feel overwhelmed?

Like you’re drowning in all the stuff you’ve got to do, and everything’s a competing priority, and there’s no time to take a breath and figure out where to focus.

And you don’t feel capable of making the right call about what to do anyway?

This used to be a repeating pattern in my business, until I put concerted effort into sorting it out - everything runs a lot more smoothly now.

But have you heard that phrase ‘how you do one thing is how you do everything?’

Well that darn overwhelm popped up this week. Big time. And where I was least expecting it 💥

I’d taken the kids to London this week. All 3 of them. Flying solo whilst my husband worked.

I’d struggled my way across town, with all the bags, wrangling my feral 3 year old on the tube.

We were sitting in Hyde park, hot, sweaty, tired and out of snacks - when I realised we had 20 minutes to drag everybody to make our slot at the Natural History Museum (hellishly busy due to half term).

Honestly, I got so overwhelmed I could have cried. It hit me like a ton of bricks - the stress, the knackeredness, the responsibility of making sure everybody had a nice time, the indecision of whether to sack it off and stay in the park, or hustle and Stick To The Plan.

And then I had a little word with myself, and decided to employ the strategies that had allowed me to get my shit together in my business

💡Breathe. Ground down into my body. Ignore the noise and the overwhelm
💡Who do I need to be in this moment? Here you get to channel a persona that will most help you - I went for Mary Poppins/Lagertha
💡What’s the next right step? Ignore the big picture, that will come eventually. All you need to do is the next right thing. For me it was ice creams, then finding the nearest tube station so we didn’t need to walk further

And do you know what - it worked! We all had a fab time*

* disclaimer - I am very happy to be back in the office for a little rest


Are you guilty of falling into the ‘When I’ future trap? 🧐


Today was an 18k hike up Simons Seat with a waterfall dip.