Choose your own adventure

It's time to choose your own adventure 🥾⛰️

Which of the following tickles your fancy the most?:

1) Up on the moors.

It’s a steep start, but the heather is blazing, and it feels amazing to get the air in your lungs.

The wind whips your hair, and you can’t remember the last time you felt so alive.

As we wend our way through the tracks, you feel your vitality return, and the ideas start to flow.

The epicness of the view is nothing compared to how epic you feel.

We happen upon my secret reservoir, and enjoy a wild swim - the water washing away any doubts or layers of sludgy thinking.

By the time we get back to my campervan and pop the kettle on, you’re itching to get it all down on paper, and raring to go.

2) Yorkshire Dales

Setting off bright and early, there’s a spring in your step - you’ve survived Christmas and are thrilled to have an adventure, purely for you.

As the landscape gets more rugged, your shoulders relax, and you realise you’ve let go of a whole load of crap that you’ve been dragging around.

We pick our way up through a bouldery Ghyll, and I tell you the legends of the trolls.

You feel giddy with child-like glee, as you remember how fun life is, how to have fun with your business.

You start to remember who the eff you are.

The inspiration flies thick and fast, and as we reach the top, you breathe in the view, and feel your belly fill with fire, and your heart feels so sublime it feels like it might burst out of your chest.

And you get it, you remember, and I’m hopping with joy for you.

And we bundle it into a gorgeous plan for you, then anchor it in, so this invincible feeling is available forever.

3) Lake District Epic Day

Road trip!

We set off bright and early in my campervan, Nelly, and head for one of my fave spots in the Lakes (Meatloaf car karaoke optional).

It’s a quiet, still morning, and there’s a sniff of adventure in the air, as we set off on a farm track.

The vista gets epic pretty quickly, as we splash our way along the path - laying to rest and releasing all the crap that’s been bugging you.

The fells are breathtaking, and you start to get excited as you remember how adventurous you are, how wild your heart is.

The conversation flows naturally, as I guide you to rediscovering your authentic truth.

We picnic in a secret glade, topped off with a dip in a waterfall.

After a rest stop in my campervan for a cuppa and to capture all your ideas in a plan for next year at my Van Desk, we travel a short way down the road…

… and have a bonus dip in the most beautiful lake in England, where the mountain reflects into the water - and you just feeling effing ABLAZE with epicness.

⬆️⬆️ All 3 of these options are available to book as a Trailblazer Day.

Or you can mix and match them 🥰

The whole point of a Trailblazer Day is it is bespoke to YOU, uniquely designed to deliver exactly what you need.

To leave you feeling fired up.



👉 I'm now taking bookings for Jan/Feb.

Just email me - for more information, and to design your perfect expedition.



To anybody trying to white-knuckle their way through Dry January: hold on ❤️


What would deep, profound, self-leadership & self-trust look like for you?