Top mistakes female entrepreneurs make when it comes to money – Part 2 

In my last blog post (see HERE), I explored the mistakes that female entrepreneurs commonly make with money.

But don’t worry…. I promised I wouldn't leave you hanging.

This blog post is all about action.

Are you feeling stuck in your business? Not earning what you deserve? Struggling with inconsistency and insecurity? Maybe you're even questioning if entrepreneurship is right for you. Or perhaps, paradoxically, you're doing well on paper, but something feels off.

Whatever your situation, keep reading because we're going to explore what you can do to rewrite your money story and start thriving in your business.

In part one, we identified common money mistakes women make. If you missed it, don't worry, there's a link for you HERE.

Central to our discussion is the concept of your "origin story paradigm" – your belief system about money. This paradigm shapes your money story, influencing how you perceive and interact with finances. It's that little voice whispering, "You're not worthy," or "You'll never succeed." We're here to dismantle those limiting beliefs.

First…homework check

Remember that homework I assigned? If you've been jotting down your money triggers and the stories they tell, you're on the right track. Let's ask ourselves the tough questions. What does this situation mean to me? Is my emotional response honest? And perhaps most importantly, is it true?

We need to peel back the layers of narrative to uncover the nugget of truth beneath by:

Redirecting Your Narrative: Once we've unearthed the truth, it's time to ask ourselves: Is this story propelling me towards success? Spoiler alert: if you're feeling stuck, it's probably not. But we're not leaving you hanging….. we're flipping the script and crafting a new, empowering narrative.

Crafting Your New Story: What will your new money story look like? Maybe it's one of abundance, confidence and impact. Whatever it is: I challenge you to redefine your relationship with money and success.

Taking Action: Are you ready to rewrite your money story? Fantastic! Before we wrap up, I have a special invitation for you. Take my Authenticity and Alignment quiz for female entrepreneurs. It's a quick, free tool to help you gauge where you're at and receive personalized advice for growing an authentic business

Link to Authenticity and Alignment Quiz

Finally - remember, the world needs your success, your wealth and your impact.

I can't wait to hear about your new money story. Drop me a message and let's continue this conversation.


Overwhelmed and struggling – this is for you! AKA My Tuscan Existential Crisis 


Top mistakes female entrepreneurs make when it comes to money