Imposter Syndrome is killing your business

If you are a female entrepreneur who isn't getting the results you want right now, impostor syndrome is likely the biggest reason you're not experiencing the success you desire in your business.

Impostor syndrome is emotionally exhausting and it causes you to waste valuable time with self-doubt.

It's costing you thousands, if not millions, in lost revenue.

Just think about the opportunities you haven't pursued, the risks you didn't take, all because you listened to that nagging impostor voice.

Impostor syndrome is pervasive. The latest studies suggest that up to 82% of professional women struggle with impostor syndrome to some degree. Sometimes it’s a bit, sometimes it’s constant, but the bottom line is that nobody is talking about it in the right way—until now.

The popular tactics I see out there—fake it until you make it, use willpower to refuse impostor syndrome, or out-hustle it—are mere sticking plasters.

They might work for a while, but they always fail. They do not work sustainably.

The reality is:

  1. Impostor syndrome is killing your business. You must give it your full attention if you want to achieve your dreams.

  2. It is 100% possible to break free from impostor syndrome. You can turn the dial down so it doesn’t stop you from doing what you desire and start having the impact and income you actually want.

Impostor syndrome is really sneaky.

It's different from fear, self-doubt or low confidence. It grabs hold of you, digs its talons in, and gets really stuck—despite clear evidence to the contrary. You may have achieved something significant, yet you still feel like a fraud.

The whole world can see how brilliant, accomplished, and bold you are…. but you just can't see it for yourself.

This is a massive problem for female entrepreneurs because the essence of entrepreneurship requires you to claim your space, be visible, be audacious and take risks.

I don’t care if you’re a brand-new startup, a solopreneur, an entrepreneur, a contractor or the CEO of a FTSE 100 organization: if impostor syndrome has its claws in you, you are only scratching the surface of your potential. You’re only enjoying a tenth of the gorgeous impact you have to offer - and I don’t want that for you. I’m sure you don’t want that for yourself either.

Through tackling my own impostor syndrome, and through my work with others, I have developed a framework called the Impostor to Impact System.

This proven system transforms businesses and changes lives.

It delivers sustainable, permanent change—a huge identity shift.

I’ve got a bit of a mission. I believe that female entrepreneurs are the way we change the economy—and, let’s just say it, the world. There is compelling research that women make better leaders, better investment decisions and that when women rise, they bring other women up with them. The ripple effect of doing this work can be huge and life-changing. But I see so many brilliant women dampening their dreams and ambitions because they let their impostor syndrome run the show—they just don’t know any differently.

Since 2007, I've helped hundreds of women tackle and break free from their impostor syndrome. I'm speaking out about this topic because I want to help you, too.

I have just released a brand-new ebook entitled Impostor Syndrome is Killing Your Business.

With this conversation, and through my book, if I can help just one woman take control, break free of her impostor syndrome, and dream bigger, I will be absolutely thrilled. You can see how passionate I am about this topic. I know my book is going to change lives, and I know that I can help you tackle your impostor syndrome and break free.

The best part?

I am offering you the opportunity to get your hands on my book for free.

Yes, you heard that right—zero cost. Absolutely free. No obligations, no hard sell, no catches.

📖 You can download it here.

Please keep in touch—I would love, love, love to know how you get on and what changes you make to your business.

That’s all for now. Thank you so much for being here, and go download that book!


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