Claire’s Blog

10 ways to feel the fear and do it anyway
blog, coaching Claire Ackers blog, coaching Claire Ackers

10 ways to feel the fear and do it anyway

Call it Imposter Syndrome, call it the wobbles, call it the voice of reason. Whenever you step out of your comfort zone, fear will pop up and try to talk you out of it.

There are scientific, evolutionary reasons for this – safety to your mind equals the familiar – so when you do anything new, your subconscious panics and tries to bring you back to your comfort zone – and what it perceives as familiar and safe.

The problem is, nothing great happens in your comfort zone. If you want to reach your potential, you’ve got to take some risks.

Here are my top 10 ways to feel that fear, and do it anyway.

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Mountains & mild peril – 5 business lessons from Striding Edge
Claire Ackers Claire Ackers

Mountains & mild peril – 5 business lessons from Striding Edge

Mountains & mild peril – 5 business lessons from Striding Edge

On Friday, for my 40th birthday, my husband Ant whisked me away to the Lakes to climb a snowy Helvellyn, via Striding Edge.

He thought I’d appreciate knowing ‘I’ve still got it’ at the age of 40.

If you don’t know it, Striding Edge is about 1 1/2 km of narrow Grade 1 scramble, with sheer drops either side into the valley below. On Friday it was covered in ice and snow.

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Client red flags – the 7 signs you need to uplevel your clients
Claire Ackers Claire Ackers

Client red flags – the 7 signs you need to uplevel your clients

7 Client Red Flags

This morning I’ve been thinking about client red flags. Sometimes, when you’ve been in business for a while, relationships with clients can get a bit stale. You feel a bit of dread when you see their name flash up on your phone, or the terms of business aren’t great, or there’s just a bit of stickiness around the relationship.

Or maybe you’re in a scrappy phase of your business. You’re fighting to keep going, and build up, and quite frankly are grateful for any client you can get right now.

Maybe you’ve just forgotten the dream, why you went into business in the first place, and who it is you love helping and working with?

Today, I want to call out some red flags, so here are 7 signs that you need to uplevel your clients

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Why your personal mission needs to be your number one priority
coaching, blog, advice Claire Ackers coaching, blog, advice Claire Ackers

Why your personal mission needs to be your number one priority

Why your personal mission needs to be your number one priority

What’s the point in having a personal mission? Isn’t it all a load of meaningless corporate twaddle anyway?

Well, no, having a personal mission is incredibly important, especially when times are tough.

Here are my top reasons you should put defining your mission at the top of your To-do list:

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How to Lean In to your Pull
recruitment, blog, audacity Claire Ackers recruitment, blog, audacity Claire Ackers

How to Lean In to your Pull

Something that’s been on my mind a lot recently is the pressure to be amazing. To keep the show on the road, to create brilliant things, to lead in challenging times. And earn enough money to keep the wheels turning.

This is ‘push’. Keep pushing, keep striving, keep forcing, I’ll make it happen somehow, no matter what it takes…

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Setting the Record Straight on Recruitment - Part II
audacity, authentic recruiter Claire Ackers audacity, authentic recruiter Claire Ackers

Setting the Record Straight on Recruitment - Part II

Part II - of this conversation of all things recruitment! Join GRAFT Talent Founder, Melanie Parker, and Adesse Founder, Claire Ackers, as they get grilled by Anna Sutton, CEO of the Data Shed about all things recruitment. In this episode, you'll hear 🎙Why you can tell a bad recruiter by their suit 🎙Our worst horror stories (as clients and recruiters) 🎙And how to choose a recruitment partner

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Vulnerability - 7 massive reasons - video edit
Claire Ackers Claire Ackers

Vulnerability - 7 massive reasons - video edit

It's more important than ever in these testing times for leaders and entrepreneurs to be vulnerable. But sometimes being vulnerable requires the greatest courage. Here's a 5 minute listen to explain why.

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