Claire’s Blog

Overwhelmed and struggling – this is for you! AKA My Tuscan Existential Crisis
This is for you if life and business is feeling a bit overwhelming at the moment.
If you’re struggling to get going on projects, no matter how much you say you want to.
If you’re triggered by everyone seemingly doing it so much better than you on LinkedIn and Insta.
If Imposter Syndrome is running the show and you feel like you don’t belong.
If you’re even questioning your purpose and having a small existential crisis.
This is for you – we’re going there with the big questions today.
Enjoy and don’t forget to let me know what you think.

How to show up when you really really really don't want to
We’re diving into a topic that hits close to home for many of us: showing up for our business even when we're not feeling it. There are days when mustering the energy to tackle the day ahead feels like an uphill battle. But fear not, because I've got some tried-and-tested tips to help you not just phone it in, but truly show up and shine.

Bailing is not failing - what really happened in the bothy
I can't wait to share this story with you, the real story behind my first experience of wild camping.
Spoiler alert: we didn't make it through the night, but what actually happened is GOLD in terms of wisdom and lessons learned I can apply to my business.
Grab a cuppa and tune in, this is quite the tale...

The 10 biggest mistakes I've made in business
I have f*cked up more times than I can count on my entrepreneurial journey. People say being an entrepreneur is like jumping off a cliff and growing wings on your way down. Well, sometimes those wings don't quite grow in time. In this blog I’m sharing 10 of the biggest mistakes I have made in my business - hopefully this will save you from making the same ones.

The Real Reason You're Not Getting the Results You Want In Your Business
This blog explores one of my favorite subjects: the true reasons behind the elusive success you've been chasing in your business.
Often, we find ourselves in pursuit of magic bullets and new strategies, believing they'll be the game-changer. However, what I've discovered is that the missing ingredient has nothing to do with external factors—it's all about mastering your inner game.
I call this journey "authentic self-mastery," and it's become my life's work, my passion, my joy.

“You’re too emotional to lead”
Have you ever been told you’re too bossy, or too emotional in your leadership style?
Stings, doesn’t it.