Are you in your Zone of Genius?

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One of the qualities entrepreneurs need to succeed is the ability to step outside of their comfort zone and tap into the ‘art of the possible’.

Whether you call it inspiration, creativity or dreaming, as entrepreneurs we are driven by a desire to make an impact on the world.

Psychologist Gay Hendricks coined the term ‘zone of genius’ in his book The Big Leap. I love this phrase because it sums up the best part of being an entrepreneur – the ability to think differently and imagine the world a better place. To see a problem and come up with a solution. A refusal to settle for the status quo. To dare to dream, and desire to live life on your terms.

However most of us are trapped by our upper limits.

This is essentially our internal thermostat, the parameters within which we operate to keep us ‘safe’. This determines how much love, creativity and success we allow ourselves to enjoy. If we reach or go beyond our upper limit, we self-sabotage to snap right back into our comfort zone.

Money is a classic example of this. Your beliefs around money determine your comfort zone. Your beliefs come from a lifetime of programming from your parents, school and society. Maybe you were brought up to think meaningful work is more important than being rich, or that financial success will cost you a happy family? Whatever it is, you have a self-imposed upper limit – your mind believes it’s keeping you safe, but in reality you’re trapped.

Working on your mindset, and transforming your limiting beliefs to access your zone of genius can have profound and phenomenal results. What could you achieve if you had unfettered access to this area?

If this sounds like your sort of thing, let’s work together. Drop me a line,


Staying Sunny-side Up


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